Lab for nanostructured polymer materials
Polymer synthesis
We are interested in cotrolled synthesis of polymers with new achitectures and functions. Block copolymers and sequence-regulated polymers are perticularly under investigation to explore their applications for optical and data storage applications. New nanotructured materials with unique functions derived from the structure is being created via tuning macromolecular parameters.
Structural colord materials via macromolecular self-assembly
Nature provide vivid colors via a conbined vision effect from both pigment and reflection from nanostructures. The later case was defined as structural color or photonic crystals. We are insterested in using block copolymers to fabricate photonic crystals in an easy and scalable way. Hirarchical nanostructures via different engineering methods are also under investigation such as using microflowdics.
Polymer-based functional hybrid materials
Functional hybrid matierials are under investigation via adding inorganic nanoparticles into polymer matrix. We are also working on creating polymer bybrid by introducing metal complex onto polymer chain. These polymers are usful for many applications in energy and sensing.